SEO vs KI vs Google: Wenn das KI-Plagiat besser rankt als Originale
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"As reported by 404 Media in January, AI-powered articles appeared multiple times for basic queries at the beginning of the year in Google News results. Two months later, Google announced significant changes to its algorithm and new spam policies, as an attempt to improve the search results. And by the end of April, Google shared that the major adjustments to remove unhelpful results from its search engine ranking system were finished. "As of April 19, we've completed the rollout of these changes. You'll now see 45 percent less low-quality, unoriginal content in search results versus the 40 percent improvement we expected across this work," wrote Elizabeth Tucker, a director of product management at Google, in a blog post. Despite the changes, spammy content created with the help of AI remains an ongoing, prevalent issue for Google News."
Kernaussage: Im Januar ließ sich nicht mehr übersehen, dass KI-Plagiate ein Problem in den Suchergebnisseiten sind. Zwei Monate später schmeißt Google mit zwei Prozentzahlen um sich, die
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